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sass - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
scad - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
scala - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
scheme - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
scss - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
setAlias(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceMarker
setAutoComplete(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets AutoComplete for the editor.
setBasePath(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets BasePath / BaseUrl.
setCursorPosition(int) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets cursorPosition for the editor.
setCursorPosition(int, boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets cursorPosition for the editor and optionally also sets the focus.
setCustomAutoCompletion(String[]) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets a custom autocompletion list for the editor.
setCustomAutoCompletion(String[], String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets a custom autocompletion list for the editor and sets the category aswell (default: "").
setDisplayIndentGuides(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets displayIndentGuides for the editor.
setEnableSnippets(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets enableSnippets for the editor.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets font-size for the editor in pixels.
setHeight(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets height in px/pixel or percent.
setHeightFull() - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets the height to 100%.
setHighlightActiveLine(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets highlightActiveLine for the editor.
setHighlightSelectedWord(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets highlightSelectedWord for the editor.
setInitialFocus(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets initialFocus for the editor.
setLiveAutocompletion(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets liveAutocompletion for the editor.
setMaxHeight(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets max-height in px/pixel or percent.
setMaxlines(int) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets maxlines for the editor.
setMaxWidth(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets max-width in px/pixel or percent.
setMinHeight(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets min-height in px/pixel or percent.
setMinlines(int) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets minlines for the editor.
setMinWidth(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets min-width in px/pixel or percent.
setMode(AceMode) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets the mode(language) of the editor.
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets placeholder for the editor.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets readOnly for the editor.
setSelection(int, int) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets selection for the editor.
setSelection(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets selection for the editor and optionally also sets the focus.
setSelection(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets selection for the editor.
setSelection(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets selection for the editor and optionally also sets the focus.
setShowGutter(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets showGutter for the editor.
setShowInvisibles(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets showInvisibles for the editor.
setShowPrintMargin(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets showPrintMargin for the editor.
setSizeFull() - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets the height and width to 100%.
setSofttabs(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets softtabs for the editor.
setTabSize(int) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets tab-size for the editor.
setTheme(AceTheme) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets the theme (style) of the editor.
setUseWorker(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets useWorker for the editor.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets value for the editor.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Changes the visibilty of the editor.
setWidth(String) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets width in px/pixel or percent.
setWidthFull() - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets the width to 100%.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class com.hilerio.ace.AceEditor
Sets wrap for the editor.
sh - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
sjs - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
slim - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
smarty - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
snippets - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
solarized_dark - com.hilerio.ace.AceTheme
solarized_light - com.hilerio.ace.AceTheme
soy_template - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
space - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
sparql - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
sql - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
sqlserver - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
sqlserver - com.hilerio.ace.AceTheme
stylus - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
svg - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
swift - com.hilerio.ace.AceMode
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