
C D G H N O R S 
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onClick(ComponentEventListener<NotificationClickEvent>) - Method in class de.f0rce.notify.util.Notification
Adds a listener which listens to the "onclick" event sent by the notifications.
onClose(ComponentEventListener<NotificationCloseEvent>) - Method in class de.f0rce.notify.util.Notification
Adds a listener which listens to the "onclose" event sent by the notifications.
onError(ComponentEventListener<NotificationErrorEvent>) - Method in class de.f0rce.notify.util.Notification
Adds a listener which listens to the "onerror" event sent by the notifications.
onShow(ComponentEventListener<NotificationShowEvent>) - Method in class de.f0rce.notify.util.Notification
Adds a listener which listens to the "onshow" event sent by the notifications.
C D G H N O R S 
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