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sac - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
sass - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
scad - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
scala - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
scheme - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
scrollToEnd() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Scroll the editor (the view) to the end.
scrollToLine(int) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Scroll the editor (the view) to a specific line.
scrypt - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
scss - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
setAlias(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.util.AceMarker
Sets the alias for the AceMarker.
setAutoComplete(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets AutoComplete for the editor.
setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the baseUrl for the editor.
setCursorPosition(int) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the cursor position via index and the frontend calculates the row for it.
setCursorPosition(int, boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the cursor position via index and the frontend calculates the row for it and sets the focus.
setCursorPosition(int, int) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets cursorPosition for the editor.
setCursorPosition(int, int, boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets cursorPosition for the editor and optionally also sets the focus.
setCursorPosition(AceCursorPosition) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the cursor position of the editor under use of AceCursorPosition (which can be retrieved with AceEditor.getCursorPosition()).
setCursorPosition(AceCursorPosition, boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the cursor position of the editor under use of AceCursorPosition (which can be retrieved with AceEditor.getCursorPosition()), it can be focused on demand.
setCustomAutocompletion(List<String>) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
setCustomAutocompletion(List<String>, boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
setCustomAutocompletion(List<String>, String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
setCustomAutocompletion(List<String>, String, boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
setCustomMode(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
setDefaultToken(AceCustomModeTokens) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.util.AceCustomModeRule
setDisplayIndentGuides(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets displayIndentGuides for the editor.
setEditorBorder(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Set the css border of the editor.
setEditorBorderRadius(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Set the css border-radius of the editor.
setEnableSnippets(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets enableSnippets for the editor.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets font-size for the editor in pixels.
setHighlightActiveLine(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets highlightActiveLine for the editor.
setHighlightSelectedWord(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets highlightSelectedWord for the editor.
setInitialFocus(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets initialFocus for the editor.
setLiveAutocompletion(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets liveAutocompletion for the editor.
setMode(AceMode) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the mode (language) of the editor.
setNext(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.util.AceCustomModeRule
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets placeholder for the editor.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets readOnly for the editor.
setRegex(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.util.AceCustomModeRule
setSelection(int, int) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the selection of the editor under use of two indices.
setSelection(int, int, boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the selection of the editor under use of two indices, it can be focused on demand.
setSelection(int, int, int, int) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the selection of the editor.
setSelection(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the selection of the editor, it can be focused on demand.
setSelection(AceSelection) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the selection of the editor under use of AceSelection (which can be retrieved with AceEditor.getSelection()).
setSelection(AceSelection, boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the selection of the editor under use of AceSelection (which can be retrieved with AceEditor.getSelection()), it can be focused on demand.
setShowGutter(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets showGutter for the editor.
setShowInvisibles(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets showInvisibles for the editor.
setShowPrintMargin(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets showPrintMargin for the editor.
setSofttabs(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets softtabs for the editor.
setStatusbarBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Set the css background color of the statusbar.
setStatusbarBorderRadius(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Set the css border radius of the statusbar.
setStatusbarEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Enables the statusbar which is displayed at the bottom right of the ace editor to let the user see current cursor position and selection.
setStatusbarIndexing(AceStatusbarIndexing) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Change the indexing (starting index) of the statusbar.
setStatusbarTextColor(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Set the css text color of the statusbar.
setTabSize(int) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets tab-size for the editor.
setTheme(AceTheme) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the theme (style) of the editor.
setToken(AceCustomModeTokens) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.util.AceCustomModeRule
setTokens(AceCustomModeTokens...) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.util.AceCustomModeRule
setUseWorker(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets useWorker for the editor.
setValue(String) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets the value of the editor.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Sets wrap for the editor.
sh - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
sjs - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
slim - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
smarty - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
smithy - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
snippets - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
solarized_dark - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceTheme
solarized_light - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceTheme
soy_template - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
space - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
sparql - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
sql - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
sqlserver - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
sqlserver - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceTheme
STORAGE - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
things relating to "storage"
STORAGE_MODIFIER - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
a storage modifier like static, final, abstract, etc.
STORAGE_TYPE - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
the type of something, class, function, int, var , etc.
STRING - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
STRING_DOUBLE - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
double quoted strings: "foo"
STRING_INTERPOLATED - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
strings which are "evaluated": `date`, $(pwd)
STRING_OTHER - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
other types of quoting: $'shell', %s{...}
STRING_QUOTED - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
quoted strings
STRING_REGEXP - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
regular expressions: /(\w+)/
STRING_SINGLE - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
single quoted strings: 'foo'
STRING_TRIPLE - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
triple quoted strings: """Python"""
STRING_UNQUOTED - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
for things like here-docs and here-strings
stylus - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
SUPPORT - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
things provided by a framework or library
SUPPORT_CLASS - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
when the framework/library provides classes
SUPPORT_CONSTANT - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
constants (magic values) provided by the framework/library
SUPPORT_FUNCTION - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
functions provided by the framework/library.
SUPPORT_OTHER - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
the above should be exhaustive, but for everything else
SUPPORT_TYPE - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
types provided by the framework/library, this is probably only used for languages derived from C, which has typedef (and struct).
SUPPORT_VARIABLE - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
variables provided by the framework/library.
svg - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
swift - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
sync() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Forces a sync between client and server without blurring.
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