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IAceWordCompleter - Interface in de.f0rce.ace.interfaces
idle_fingers - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceTheme
ini - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
INVALID - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
stuff which is "invalid"
INVALID_DEPRECATED - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
for deprecated stuff e.g. using an API function which is deprecated or using styling with strict HTML
INVALID_ILLEGAL - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceCustomModeTokens
illegal, e.g. an ampersand or lower-than character in HTML (which is not part of an entity/tag)
io - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
ion - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceMode
iplastic - de.f0rce.ace.enums.AceTheme
isAutoComplete() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if autocomplete is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isDisplayIndentGuides() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if displayIndentGuides is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isEnableSnippets() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if snippets are enabled/disabled for the editor.
isHightlightActiveLine() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if hightlightActiveLine is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isHightlightSelectedWord() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if hightlightSelectedWord is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isInitialFocus() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if initial focus is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isKeepCompleters() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.util.AceDynamicWordCompleter
isKeepCompleters() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.util.AceStaticWordCompleter
isLiveAutocompletion() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if live autocompletion is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isReadOnly() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if readOnly is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isShowGutter() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if showGutter is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isShowInvisibles() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if showInvisibles is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isShowPrintMargin() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if showPrintMargin is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isSofttabs() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if softtabs are currently enabled/disabled for the editor.
isStatusbarEnabled() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if the statusbar is enabled or not.
isUseWorker() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if useWorker is enabled/disabled for the editor.
isWrap() - Method in class de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor
Returns if wrap is enabled/disabled for the editor.
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